
All of the below is currently outdated. I'll post the new and improved list soon.

History/Geography -Story of the World and The Kingfisher History Encyclopedia 
We will supplement these with books from the library.

Literature - Various books from the library and bookstore that fit with the time period being studies. This will include classic works such as Gilgamesh as well as historical fiction.

WritingWriting With Ease
A developmentally appropriate way to build the skills needed for writing.

GrammarGrowing with Grammar and Mad Libs

MathMath Mammoth

Sense-Lange is a free website allows you to set up a virtual class, create assignments and tests, and records the students progress for you. It also has games, although some other sites have more interesting ones.  Typing Instructor for Kids is not free, but is reasonably priced. It has many more games, and the kids can work at their own pace without the teacher needing to set up each lesson.  It is also fairly motivational with lots of praise and fun stuff built in.

SpanishRosetta Stone
This is one of the subjects Michael is fighting, but the lessons are quick an game like, making it fairly painless.

Art - a combination of Ancient Art and the Orchestra and other resources.
I look at each week and see what looks appealing, and add in books on that weeks theme from the library.

This program uses Story of the Orchestra and additional composer / instrument CDs, which I get from the library.

Science - an assortment of materials, including Lesson PathwaysNovaMr. Wizard's World, and various other documentaries, books, and real life.