Actually, it takes seven days to mummify an apple.At least that is what the directions say - we are still waiting to take the final measurements. Michael really enjoyed weighing the apples, creating the various salt mixtures, and recording the data. Now I have 8 cups lined up on my counter and I'm praying that the control apple slice doesn't attract flies. I guess that is the price we pay for good science :)
Our other studies are going well. I have switched the vocabulary assignment from paper based to computer based. Quizlet is a website that creates virtual flashcards, games, and tests based on the information you enter. The best part is that others have already entered in the Tapestry of Grace vocabulary lists, so it was no work for me at all!
Tomorrow he goes to the gifted program at the local elementary school. He's excited to see his friends but a bit bummed about going to bed and getting up earlier. I think it will be a refreshing change of pace for him once a week.
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