We are getting ready to start a 3 week unit study on Halloween/Day of the Dead/All Saints Day/Autumn. This is our first holiday unit and I'm REALLY excited! I think this is a great opportunity to make school fun while taking the time to enjoy the holiday as a family. I thought I would share some of our plans for anyone wanting to adapt them for themselves.
The Graveyard Book
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
Writing epitaphs for various famous or fictional characters for gravestones to decorate the yard.
Making leaf rubbings.
Making headstone rubbings.
Listening to Danse Macabre
Reading about bats and spiders.
Researching why leaves change color in the fall.
Doing experiments regarding fall leaves.
History/Social Studies
Watching the Haunted History of Halloween
Reading about the Day of the Dead and making food crafts.
Reading about the Celts and Druids
Reading about harvest festivals and attending a local one.
We will continue with our regular grammar, math, spanish, typing, and writing assignments during this time, as appropriate. (adding in fun things like Halloween Mad Libs for fun when we can.)
If anyone has any other ideas to share feel free to post them!
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