More flannel board (aka felt board) fun for Molly! I loved them as a kid so I can't help but want to use it with her. This week we are working on the letter A, so I made both upper and lower case letters, an alligator, and an ant. Then realized that the beginning sound of ant is not exactly like the beginning sound of alligator. Phonics are (is?) confusing. Either way, she liked my little ant and happily marched around the house while I sang "The Ants Go Marching." We just marched "one by one" this week as we are also covering the number 1. Not a lot of fun to be had with the number one, but we managed. Best activity was placing one raisin in each heart section of a heart shaped candy mold. I also had her glue rice to contstruction paper to make the letter A, and had her circle upper and lower case A's on a homemade worksheet.

Also this week was a local talk by the amazing Susan Wise Bauer! She spoke on what classical education is, and how it works. I didn't find out she was going to be speaking until that morning, but my husband arranged his schedule so I could go. I got to meet her, ask her some questions about Michael's progress in his writing program, and of course get an autograph. I thought about going back up in line so I could get a picture with her, but thought that might be crossing the line from fan to stalker. Either way, I'm finding myself much more motivated and that feeling seems to be carrying over into Michael's attitude as well.

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