Ok, I'm going to try to actually remember to update this thing from time to time. Remind me if I don't! I think if I look at it as an excuse to avoid housework I should do just fine :)
Right now my oldest is 13 and more into minecraft servers than schoolwork. We are using
Sonlight Core H for history and literature and
a subscription to Bible Mesh, through them, for an overview of the New Testament. For the most part he likes these programs, or at least doesn't complain, which is really all I can ask of a 13 year old boy. We've also used a few of the
What's in the Bible? DVD series
, which he does complain about but has also secretly finds humorous in parts. I'm really impressed with how much information they present without stepping on denominational toes.
The almost 3 year old is ready for more "school" involvement so I'm working on getting our local preschool co-op back on track. Our first lesson of the semester will be based on
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? My First Reader
. I love the simple cadence of this book and find that the rhythem helps little ones pay attention. I spent yesterday making felt board pieces and will have hubby make up the flannel board this weekend. I read about using stiff interfacing, from the fabric section, for the pieces and it seems to have worked really well. I was able to see through it just well enough to trace the images and then I colored them in. I used sharpie markers but crayons work well too. The rough fabric just wears down the crayon fast and I was feeling guilty for dulling my daughter's crayons. I'm also planning on a color sorting activity for this lesson and a song - probably "Five Bears in the Bed". Watch for an update next week to see if it all works out as planned!
I'll also update soon on our adventures in math and spanish curriculum hopping, and share where we ended up and why. In the meantime it is currently 80 degrees out there, and I still have errands to run and cleaning to do.
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